Solid Waste Management constitutes a serious problem in many cities of our country. Most cities do not collect the totality of wastes generated, and of the wastes collected, only a fraction receives proper disposal. By understanding that waste management is a crucial problem in the cities of our country, TAMOHA concentrated on finding solutions with public support in awarding the people in proper waste management. We make the common people aware about the consequences of improper waste management and pointed out proper solutions for it. The insufficient collection and inappropriate disposal of solid waste represent a source of water, land and air pollution and create risks to human health and the environment. Over the next several decades, globalization, rapid urbanization and economic growth in the developing cities tend to further deteriorate this situation.
TAMOHA is in its initial stage for having role in waste management; it would promote community participation and incorporate informal refuse collectors and scavengers into public private partnerships etc. The proposal approach could help solve the problem of solid wastes in a socially desirable, economically viable and environmentally sound manner.
TAMOHA has done various programs on waste management in the regions of Jharkhand and Delhi. It highlighted the issues that the improper handling and disposal of solid wastes constitutes a serious problem, it contributes to the high morbidity and mortality rates in many of our cities. A positive correlation tends to exist between a community’s income and amount of solid wastes generated. Therefore role of awareness on the consequences is very important among people and our organization is doing on the same.